
Transform Your Body & Mind in 4 Weeks

Please check back for our next Barrecore Challenge dates.

Transform your body with the Barrecore Challenge

We're challenging you to complete 4 Barrecore classes each week for 4 weeks.

Valid on any of our class formats, at all London Barrecore studios. 
Challenge Time
16 classes for £220
£13.75/ class
£220.00 / 16 classes

Barrecore Challenge Tips

Here's a few tips to help you stay motivated to complete your 16 classes!

1) Pre-book your classes and make sure you've put them firmly in the diary. That way, there'll be no excuses for missing a class or double booking them with something else.

2) Visualise achieving your goal. Focus on the sense of achievement you'll feel after you've completed the Challenge. Keep in mind the end result and how satisfied you'll feel both physically and mentally.

3) Bring a friend to class. Working out becomes a lot easier and more fun if there's two of you and you'll feel bad if you bail on them.

4) Track your progress. Every week try to do your own version of a check-in whether it's logging in a notebook the changes that you are seeing and feeling or a "self-empowerment" selfie. Take note of your progress and celebrate it!

5) Finally (and most importantly), keep in mind that by completing the Challenge you'll notice amazing long term changes to your body:

• Feeling stronger

• Creating longer, toned muscles

• Reduced body fat

• Improvement to your posture and alignment