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Booking Update:
You can view all our schedules here. For now, please book in-studio classes via our app and livestream classes here on the website. Thanks for your support as we continue to improve your experience.
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Frequently asked questions
What class should I start with?
We recommend that you start with our BarreFORM classes, which is taught at a slightly slower pace, or BarreSIGNATURE classes to learn the basics. You can read more about these on our classes page. Private Sessions (either live-streamed or in-studio) are another great way to get started.
What do I need to wear or bring for class?
Comfortable But Fitting Clothes
We recommend wearing fitted clothing to properly see and feel your technique. Leggings and a vest or t-shirt are perfect. Leggings with zips might prove uncomfortable during floor work, so we recommend leggings without them. A low-impact sports bra should provide adequate support as all our classes are low-impact.
Socks must be worn in our classesIn-studio, socks help ensure we keep our carpets clean and hygienic (which is why we ask that you don’t wear shoes, come barefoot or wear toeless socks). We sell Barrecore grippy socks in all our studios!
Trainers restrict your range of movement and since you’ll spend a lot of time moving through your feet with Barrecore, we instead wear grippy socks in our classes. Grippy socks also help you hold each position that bit longer without slipping. As soon as you slip, you have to reset and you lose that crucial burn that Barrecore is all about.
No Need For Equipment
For our in-studio classes, all mats, weights, balls, resistance bands and any other props you may need during class are provided.
Do I need grippy socks?
Socks are compulsory in class and we highly recommend that you wear grippy socks rather than standard socks. Grippy socks help you hold each position that bit longer without slipping and needing to reset your position.
Barrecore grippy socks can be purchased from all of our studios.
What is your cancellation policy?
Please make note of our attendance and cancellation policies outlined here.