A woman with short red hair poses in a bridge position demonstrating for a barre class.

5 reasons your Body Will Thank You For Taking A BarreRESTORE Class

24 March 2020

Our BarreRESTORE classes use a unique combination of breathing techniques, joint mobilisation, and lengthening stretches. Regular stretching helps to improve your positioning in class, allowing you to hold your poses longer, and feel yourself get stronger.


1. Aids muscle recovery - It’s important to take time to allow your body to recover after class but we also encourage you to keep your body mobile to allow you to see the best results. If you're looking for something slightly less intense between your BarreLIVE sessions or On Demand workouts, our Restore class will help to stretch out your muscles and reduce tension in the body to speed up your recovery process.

2. Works your body more efficiently - We use fascial release techniques to increase flexibility, relieve tension and detoxify. This allows your muscles to work more efficiently and effectively in class so that you can work your body harder and find a deeper burn. We recommend that you incorporate one Restore class a week to achieve a faster transformation in your physique!

3. Uses breath to calm the body - The use of deep relaxing breaths in our Restore classes signals to our parasympathetic nervous system to calm the body down. As our heart rate slows, our body can send more blood to our organs allowing them to work more efficiently. Calming breaths can also manage our stress responses to help decrease stress anxiety and fear.

4. Helps prevent injury - Combining static stretches, fascia release and movements to aid mobility, our Restore class allows you to improve your flexibility and learn to move your body in a safe way. This then reduces your chances of becoming injured as you learn to place less stress on your muscles and joints.

5. Enables you to relax - If you are taking part in a BarreLIVE Restore session or On Demand stretch workout, turn down your lights, play calming music and maybe even light a candle or use an essential oil diffuser to enhance your experience. This is the perfect opportunity in this time of uncertainty and heightened anxiety to connect to how you are feeling in your mind and body without external distractions and work on improving any imbalances in your body.


We recommend adding a weekly BarreRESTORE class to your workout routine to really see the benefits. Take a look at our timetable now.