Ever wondered why we have a ‘socks only’ policy in Studio? And no, it’s not just because we want to keep our carpets clean!
Instructor Lauren, originally from Scotland and can often be found teaching in Mayfair, explains why we wear socks at the barre and have a no trainers rule in Studio.
You wouldn’t be able to show off your high stiletto in trainers. Trainers restrict your range of movement and throughout class, we spend a lot of time moving through the feet. Every time we point or flex our toes, it changes which muscles are working so it’s important that your feet aren’t restricted in any way.
Grippy socks help you hold each position that bit longer without slipping. As soon as you slip, you have to reset and you lose that crucial burn that Barrecore is all about. If you’ve done a reformer Pilates class you’ll probably be familiar with the need for extra grip to maintain hold.
Our carpets combined with your socks are the perfect combo for low-impact workouts. Low-impact workouts allow you to raise your heart rate and tone your muscles without damaging your joints, this is why we can get away with wearing socks and working out on a soft floor.